Tracing TraceWithoutCrossingBuses Method ElecNetKit Documentation
Obtains a list of all buses directly or indirectly connected to FromBus, so long as they are connected in a fashion that does not rely upon the presence of any elements of BusesToExclude

Namespace: ElecNetKit.NetworkModelling
Assembly: ElecNetKit.Core (in ElecNetKit.Core.dll) Version: 1.1.4771.27370 (

public static IEnumerable<Bus> TraceWithoutCrossingBuses(
	Bus FromBus,
	IEnumerable<Bus> BusesToExclude


Type: ElecNetKit.NetworkModelling Bus
The Bus to trace from.
Type: OnlineSystem.Collections.Generic IEnumerable Bus 
A set of Buses that should be avoided in the trace operation.

Return Value

A list of all buses directly or indirectly connected to FromBus, so long as connection is not through any element in BusesToExclude.
See Also