Phased T  InterfaceElecNetKit Documentation
An interface that defines a set of values of type T and ordered by phase.

Namespace: ElecNetKit.NetworkModelling.Phasing
Assembly: ElecNetKit.Core (in ElecNetKit.Core.dll) Version: 1.1.4771.27370 (

public interface Phased<T> : IDictionary<int, T>, 
	ICollection<KeyValuePair<int, T>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, T>>, 
Type Parameters

The type that should have a unique value per phase.

The Phased T  interface is intended to be used directly by all client code. Implementors of NetworkElements should consider using the types PhasedValues T  and PhasedEvaluated TFrom, TTo , which implement the Phased T  interface with a set of values and an evaluator function respectively. For example usage, see the implementation of Bus.
See Also